Republican’s blaming the poor?

Republican’s blaming the poor for at least part of debt crisis. Watch the video below and tell me how disgusting this is and goes to show you how out of touch Politicians are with the people. My comments are below the video.

What pisses me off about these Republicans is the constant attacks on the poor, as if the Democrats will not use it against them when this is all the mess of the warmonger’s, (Dem, & Rep).

The “Welfare to Work” idea is really bad. It’s akin to modern day slavery. Are they going to pay at least min wage? I think not.

Many getting assistance cannot work, do you think they like being poor? Sure there are lazy people, but this in my opinion is a part of mental illness. I am sure is a symptom of Manic Depression which is a mental illness.

Also, the idea that people were getting paid not to work after the PUA ran out is lunacy. Who is getting paid not to work? And were can I apply?

Some are saying it’s welfare paying people not to work, that is BS. Most people getting full welfare benefits struggle to get through the month, and without assistance would most likely be on the street. If they are not already.

Here is what the NY Post had to say about it:

“Did you know that families earning half a million dollars a year can receive ObamaCare subsidies? Or that in some states, unemployment insurance benefits can be equivalent to a job with annual pay of $100,000?”

That is a flat out lie. If that is happening it is due to fraud, and I am sure not a wide-spread problem. Surly not a cause for a crisis the magnitude of the warmonger’s creation.

Do they even know what one has to go through to get healthcare assistance? I really think not.

They really need to stop the CORRUPTION at the highest levels, try starting there, leave the poor alone.

Article by Randy Baith of Basictech Information Services

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